
Publication year

Molecular gas and star formation within 12 strong galactic bars observed with IRAM-30m

Simon Díaz-García, U. Lisenfeld, I. Pérez, A. Zurita, S. Verley, F. Combes, D. Espada, S. Leon, V. Martínez-Badenes, J. Sabater, L. Verdes-Montenegro

2021, A&A, 654, A135

Morphology and surface photometry of a sample of isolated early-type galaxies from deep imaging

R. Rampazzo, A. Omizzolo, M. Uslenghi, J. Roman, P. Mazzei, L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. Marino, M.G. Jones
2020, A&A 640, A38

MeerKAT HI commissioning observations of MHONGOOSE galaxy ESO 302-G014

W.J.G. de Blok, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, F. Combes, J. English, G.H. Heald, P. Kamphuis, B.S.Koribalski, G.R. Meurer, J. Román, A. Sardone, L. Verdes-Montenegro, F. Bigiel, E. Brinks, L.Chemin, F. Fraternali, T. Jarrett, D. Kleiner1, F.M. Maccagni1, D.J. Pisano, P. Serra, K. Spekkens, P.Amram, C. Carignan, R-J. Dettmar, B.K. Gibson, B.W. Holwerda, G.I.G Józsa, D.M. Lucero, T.A.Oosterloo, A.J.T Ramaila, M. Ramatsoku, K. Sheth, F. Walter, O.I. Wong, A.A. Zijlstra, S.Bloemen, P.J. Groot, R. Le Poole, M. Klein-Wolt, E.G. Körding, V.A. McBride, K. Paterson, D.L.A.Pieterse, P. Vreeswijk, and P.A. Woudt.
2020 A&A 643, A147

HI study of isolated and paired galaxies: the MIR SFR-M sequence

J. Bok , R. E. Skelton, M. E. Cluver, T. H. Jarrett, M. G. Jones and L. Verdes-Montenegro
2020, MNRAS 499, 3193-3213

High resolution morphology and surface photometry of KIG 685 and KIG 895 with ARGOS+LUCI at LBT

R. Rampazzo, M. Uslenghi, I.Y. Georgiev, A. Cattapan, L. Verdes-Montenegro, M. Bonaglia, J. L. Borelli, L. Busoni, W. Gaessler, D. Magrin, A. Marino, P. Mazzei, T. Mazzoni, D. Peter, S. Rabien, R. Ragazzoni, M. Rosensteiner

2020 Astron. Nachr. 341:10-25

Comprehensive Examination of the Optical Morphologies of 719 Isolated Galaxies in the AMIGA Sample

R. J. Buta, L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. Damas-Segovia, M. Jones, J. Blasco, M. Fernández-Lorenzo, S. Sánchez, J. Garrido, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Sulentic
2019, MNRAS 488 2175-2189

Evolution of compact groups from intermediate to final stages: A case study of the Hi content of HCG 16

M. G. Jones, L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. Damas-Segovia, S. Borthakur, M. Yun, A. del Olmo, J. Perea, J. Román, S. Luna, D. Lopez Gutierrez, B. Williams, F. P. A. Vogt, J. Garrido, S. Sanchez, J. Cannon and P. Ramírez-Moreta.

2019 A&A, 632, A78

The ALFALFA HI mass function: A dichotomy in the low-mass slope and a locally suppressed ‘knee’ mass

Michael G. Jones, Martha P. Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli and Crystal Moorman
2018 MNRAS 477,2-17

Molecular gas and Star Formation Properties in Early Stage Mergers: SMA CO(2-1) Observations of the LIRGs NGC 3110 and NGC 232

D. Espada, S. Martin, S. Verley, A. R. Pettitt, S. Matsushita, M. Argudo-Fernandez, Z. Randriamanakoto, P.-Y. Hsieh, T. Saito, R. E. Miura, Y.
Kawana, J. Sabater, L. Verdes-Montenegro, P. T. P. Ho, R. Kawabe, and D. Iono.
2018 ApJ…866…77E

The contribution of HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies to the cosmic number density of galaxies

M. G. Jones, E. Papastergis, V. Pandya, L. Leisman, A. J. Romanowsky, L. Y. A. Yung, R. S. Somerville and E. A. K. Adams 2018 A&A 614, A21

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