I enjoy particularly to contribute to the popularization of astrophysics. These days there is a trend for people to consider that things that one cannot understand are magic, attractive. I would like to help to propagate the idea on how exciting is to be able to understand how things work, how our eyes to the most distant Universe have been opened by our brain.
IAA Magazine  

I have participated in the  Scientific Popularization activities at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía in different ways, as e.g. publications, or with popular science talks for all publics and also for schools :

My short story titled “Galactic Dances” was selected for publication in the contest Scientific Popularization IV Certamen ‘Teresa Pinillos’ de Ensayos de Divulgación Científica | Ensaya’08. It will appear in a book titled “Un breve viaje por la ciencia”

I gave also several talks in the Vive la Ciencia  cycle, and  published a paper in Investigación y Ciencia in 2004 which was later selected for the Temas re-edition of 2007.

Astrocine is a popularization activiti where we review different aspects of 7th art’s history in parallel with the most recent research in Astrophysics, including fragments of more than 20 classic (and not so much) movies of SciFi along 3 hours.
