Core Team

Dpto. Astronomía Extragaláctica
Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18008 Granada
- Here I include a selection of projects in which I have participated as Principal Investigator (PI) or team member. I have led: 9 projects under the National Research Plan, 1 in Ecological and Digital Transition, 3 thematic/excellence networks, 2 in the acquisition of computational equipment, 2 international cooperation actions of the CSIC (with Africa), and 2 Excellence Projects of the Andalusian Government. Of the latter, I highlight "e-CA: e-Science Andalusia", the first bottom-up e-Science initiative in Spain.
- Key projects for developing a prototype Regional Centre for the SKA (SRC) include: TED4SKA (ranked 21st out of 2293 awarded projects, the only one in Astrophysics and Space Sciences, and one of the top 5 in Physics), the Excellence project IAA4SKA, the 2019 Scientific-Technical Equipment Acquisition grant, and several contracts in competitive calls from the Severo Ochoa Programme of the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics (IAA).
- I have participated in 5 European projects, coordinating a work package in 2 of them (led by Spanish companies): Biostirling4SKA for the development of renewable energy solutions for SKA, and Wf4ever in the field of Open Science.
- Since 2020, I have been receiving direct funding from the Ministry for the coordination of SKA (€1.25M), which has been formalised since 2021 as a budget line in the General State Budgets: "Coordination of SKA-Spain participation".
- I have obtained funding as PI amounting to approximately €8M, including around €2.5M in grants for human resources: 9 engineers, 6 doctors, 7 pre-doctoral researchers, and 2 early-career researchers.
- Strengthening and updating IT for the Spanish node of the SRC (Regional Complementary Plans Assistance-PRTR-Astrophysics and High Energy Physics-Andalusia, 2023). €225,000
- Thematic Network for Spanish Scientific and Technological Participation in the SKA (Research Networks MICINN, 2023). €20,600
- A Sustainable approach to Data Centres of the SKA Big Data Infrastructure: the Spanish Prototype SRC (Strategic Projects oriented towards Ecological Transition and Digital Transition, MICINN, 2022). €460,000
- Exploring galaxy evolution at the extremes modulated by their large-scale environment with SKA precursors. New technologies for SKA and its Regional Centre Network (Knowledge Generation Projects, MICINN, 2022). €347,270
- IAA’s contribution to the SKA: Open Science and Engineering to reinforce the leadership of the Spanish participation in the SKA (Andalusian Plan for R&D&I, Junta de Andalucía, 2020). €116,042
- Coordination of the scientific and technological participation of Spain in the Square Kilometre Array. Spanish SKA Office (Special Intramural Projects CSIC, General State Budgets, “Coordination of SKA-Spain participation” MICIU, 2019). €1,250,000
- SKA-COOP: Enhancing scientific preparation for the SKA within an Open Science framework (CSIC Scientific Cooperation Programme for Development “I-COOP+”, 2020). €24,000
- RED-SKA: Thematic network for the scientific and technological participation of Spain in the SKA (Excellence Networks, MICIU, 2020). €20,000
- Computational equipment to develop the core of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (Acquisition of scientific-technical equipment, MICIU and FEDER, 2019). €485,838.03
- AMIGA7: Gas and magnetic fields at the extreme of galaxy environments with SKA precursors. From the SKA data flow design towards construction (MICIU I+D “Challenges” Projects, 2019). €375,000
- RED-SKA. Excellence network for the scientific and technological participation of Spain in the SKA (Excellence Networks, MINECO, 2017). €20,000
- SKA-Link: combining knowledge to pioneer Big-Data solutions for SKA Data Centres (International Collaboration I-LINK+ CSIC, 2017). €27,100
- AMIGA6: Gas inside and around galaxies. Scientific preparation for SKA and contribution to data flow design (MINECO I+D+I Challenges Projects, 2016). €590,000
- AMIGA5: Gas inside and around galaxies. Scientific and technological preparation for the SKA (I+D+I Projects Oriented to Societal Challenges, MINECO, 2015). €166,000
- AMIGA for GTC, ALMA, and SKA precursors (Fundamental Research Projects, MICINN, 2012). €190,000
- VIA-SKA: Feasibility study of Spanish industrial participation in the SKA (Subprogramme for actions related to international scientific infrastructures, MICINN, 2011). €75,000
- AMIGA AL CUBO: Nature, Environment, and VO Tools (Fundamental Research Programme, MICINN, 2009). €294,000
- Creation of an e-Science infrastructure in Andalusia (e-CA) (Call for Aid for Excellence Groups, Junta de Andalucía, 2007). €179,000
- Exploitation of the AMIGA catalogue and extension to (sub)millimetre wavelengths: development of radio astronomy archives and integration into the Virtual Observatory (MEC, 2005). €313,880
- Statistical study of the interstellar medium and star formation of a complete sample of 760 isolated galaxies (National projects of MCyT, 2002). €109,440
- SRC-Link: Sustainability approach for prototyping the SRC network (International Connection “i-LINK”, CSIC, 2024). €23,923.95
- ESCAPE: European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRAEOSC, European Commission, 2019). €15,983,301.25
- AENEAS: Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA (H2020 INFRASUPP, European Commission, 2017). €2,999,995 (IAA: €51,940)
- Activities of the Astronomical Infrastructures Network (Excellence Networks, MINECO, 2015). €169,000
- BioStirling-4SKA: Improved efficiency and cost reduction of solar dish systems, with a pilot application as a renewable energy option for the SKA (FP7, EC, 2013). €3,936,563 (IAA: €144,212)
- APROPOS: APERTIF Processing Pipeline and Online System (NWO, 2011). €2,500,000
- WF4EVER: Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies for Enhanced Science (EC, FP7, 2010). €2,940,000 (IAA: €313,765)
- Creation of the Thematic Network for the Spanish Virtual Observatory (Complementary Action, MICINN, 2006). €24,000
- VOTECH (European Commission, FP6, 2005). €6,600,000 (No funds for individual partners)
- Supporting Open Science in the SKA by collecting Provenance from its Science Data Processor. Company GMV, funded by CDTI, subcontracted IAA as advisor. €52,512
- Postdoctoral contracts from internal calls of the Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme – IAA
- Optimization of the scientific exploitation of the SKAO through intelligent access to computational resources in the SRC Network (2024, 2 years).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2020, 2 years).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2019, 2 years and 9 months).
- Engineer contracts from internal calls of the Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme – IAA
- ‘Agile’ management of the SPSRC and its integration into the global SRC network (2024, 2 years).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2024, 2 years and 9 months).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2021, 1 year and 6 months).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2019, 1 year and 8 months).
- FPI contracts for Doctoral Thesis from internal calls of the Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme – IAA
- Optimization of performance and management of the SRC prototype: scientific services, Open Science, and Artificial Intelligence (2024, 3 years).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2019, 3 years).
- Introduction to research grants JAE Intro – CSIC
- HI profile classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (JAE Intro ICU, 2024, 10 months).
- Galactic transformations in the Hydra cluster (JAE Intro SOMdM, 2021, 5 months).
- Postdoctoral contracts PAIDI2020 Programme, Junta de Andalucía
- Scientific and technical preparations for the scientific exploitation of the SKA. Contribution to the development of the Spanish prototype of SRC (2022, 1 year and 1 month).
- Development of an SRC Prototype at the IAA (2021, 3 years).
- Postdoctoral stay of the Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme – IAA
- Galaxy evolution with SKA precursors (2020, 4 months).