Core Team

Dpto. Astronomía Extragaláctica
Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18008 Granada
I have delivered 43 invited talks as first author, with the main topics being:
- Dissemination of the SKA project and its scientific, technological, and international collaboration opportunities for the Spanish academic community and industry.
- Development of the SKA Regional Centres (SRC), explaining our work on Big Data analysis and visualization using e-Science tools, in line with the principles of Open Science.
- Reviews on Open Science and its impact on improving the quality of science and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Promotion of collaboration with Africa in the context of preparation for the SKA.
- Promotion of the use of renewable energy and Spanish solutions in the operation of the SKA.
- Results of my work on galaxy evolution, which drives my participation in SKA.
- Critical thinking about current research metrics, which are biased towards numerical bibliographic indicators—relevant but incomplete. As Chair of the ERC Starting Grants Panel, I was invited to review the topic at the European Research Council (ERC) headquarters in Brussels , directed at staff involved in evaluation policies.
- Communication and dissemination of technological developments useful to the community.
I have given numerous seminars at research institutions, some as part of the coordination of Spanish participation in the SKA, and for various stakeholder groups. I would highlight an invited talk for the SKAO Speaker Series on “Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKAO role model.“ Below are some of the most recent seminars.
- Transforming our understanding of the Universe: the SKA. Connecting antennas and data, connecting Australia & Spain. 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum “A Connected World”. Sydney, noviembre de 2023.
- Open Science in Data Intensive Scientific Communities: Astronomy. EOSC Spain National Tripartite event. Madrid, septiembre de 2023.
- Why Open Science in the SKA era?. Swiss SKA Days. Zürich. Septiembre de 2023.
- Participation of Spain in SKA and related collaborations with Africa. 2nd Research Forum Southern Africa-Spain. Spanish ambassador residence. Pretoria, noviembre de 2022.
- Why Open Science?. Reproducibility and Open Science in Astronomy (ROSA 2022). Online, mayo 2022.
- Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKAO role model. Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Summit. Online, junio de 2021.
- Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKA role model. 2021 SKA Science Conference – A precursor View of the SKA Sky. Online, marzo de 2021.
- Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKA role model. Science Digital at 75th United Nations General Assembly. Online, septiembre de 2020.
- Spain in SKA. REFSH: Física Solar – Ampliando horizontes. Valencia, septiembre de 2019.
- Love for science or academic prostitution?. Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting. Valencia, junio de 2019.
- Perspective from the HISWG on SKA Data Processing and Science Analysis. AENEAS ESRC Design Meeting. Lyon, junio de 2019.
- SKA Regional Centres and Open Science with the SKA. SKA Workshop Paris. París, junio de 2019.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. Reunión Abierta de la RIA ¡España en SKA!. Granada, junio 2019.
- HI Galaxy SKA Science Working Group Update. SKA General Science Meeting and Key Science Workshop 2019. Manchester, abril de 2019.
- Why Open science at the SRCs?. SKA General Science Meeting and Key Science Workshop. Manchester, abril de 2019.
- Open science at the SRCs. PHISCC. Perth, febrero de 2019.
- Spain in the SKA. RIA-SpaceTec Meeting: Astronomical Instrumentation in Spain. Madrid, October 2018.
- Spain’s Entry into SKA. XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA). Salamanca, June 2018.
- SKA status and Spanish participation. 6th Fundamental Cosmology Meeting. Granada, mayo de 2018.
- Data visualization. 1st WEAVE-Apertif meeting. Granada, mayo de 2018.
- HI in extremely dense group environments. 1st WEAVE-Apertif meeting. Granada, mayo de 2018.
- Overview of the HI SWG needs in the context of SRCs. AENEAS All-hands meeting. Nice, marzo 2018.
- Atomic gas and Galaxy evolution. Physics opportunities with a new universe’s view: the SKA radio telescope. Valencia, noviembre de 2017.
- Spanish participation in the SKA. Physics opportunities with a new universe’s view: the SKA radio telescope. Valencia, noviembre de 2017.
- SKA-Link Project. 1st AENEAS All-hands meeting. Granada, octubre de 2017.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. XII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía. Bilbao, junio de 2016.
- Spanish participation in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Conference at the Encuentro RIA-SpaceTec. Instituto Rocasolano. Madrid, febrero de 2016.
- Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project. III Fujitsu High Performance Computer (HPC) Users Group. Granada, octubre de 2014.
- Love for Science or Academic Prostitution? Document Freedom Day 2014. Granada, marzo de 2014.
- A multiwavelength view of isolated galaxies (Invited Review). Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies. Petit Jean Mountain. Arkansas, junio de 2013.
- Renewable Energy for Radio Astronomy. AERAP Framework Platform Discussion Workshop. European Parliament. Bruselas, marzo de 2013.
- The Spanish VIA-SKA project an Iberian Industry-Academia example. The Square Kilometre Array: a large Scale ESFRI Infrastructure, From the Cosmos to the Cities of the future. Lisboa, noviembre de 2012.
- e-Science for the SKA. Wf4Ever: Supporting Reuse and Reproducibility in Experimental Science. RadioNet Advanced Radio Astronomy, Commissioning Skills for the SKA. Manchester, noviembre de
- Case study: BIOSTIRLING4SKA. AERAP Workshop on Renewable Energy Solutions for Radio Astronomy: opportunities for African-European cooperation. Bruselas, octubre de 2012.
- Galaxies driven only by secular evolution?. International Astronomical Union. Pekín, agosto de 2012.
- The Square Kilometre Array: a challenge for ~2020 to which Spain can contribute in 2012. X Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía. Valencia, junio de 2012.
- New Applications: SKA Project. I General Assembly Solar Concentra. Seville, 2011.
- UK e-Science: A vision from the outer space. Celebrating 10 years of e-Science in the UK. Oxford eResearch Center. junio de 2011.
- e-Science activities in Andalusia. Application to Astronomy. UK e-Science All Hands meeting. Oxford, diciembre de 2009.
- Radio-VO developments of AMIGA within the context of ALMA. Workshop “Retos científicos y tecnológicos en el desarrollo de instrumentación astronómica: ALMA y E-ELT”. Madrid, septiembre 2009.
- The Andalusian e-Science Initiative e-CA (e-Ciencia Andaluza). 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences. Valencia, septiembre de 2008.
- Spanish Plans for the Development of CAHA Instrumentation. Development of Astronomical Instrumentation: Future Scientific and Technological Challenges. Madrid, May 2007.
- Distribution and content of HI in Compact Groups of Galaxies. Disks of galaxies: kinematics, dynamics and perturbations. Puebla (México), mayo de 2001.
- The SKA Observatory: Astronomy and Sustainability. Basic Science for Future Challenges, a lecture series organized by CSIC. Experimental Station of Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC), Granada, 2023.
- Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKAO role model. SKAO Speaker Series. Online, junio de 2021.
- Strategic position of IAA in the SKA project. IAA ESAB Meeting. Granada, febrero de 2020.
- SKA summary for DAE and examples of synergies. IAA. Granada, septiembre de 2019.
- The SKA Science Regional Centre precursor at IAA. IAA. Granada, septiembre de 2019.
- A prototype SKA Science Regional Centre at the IAA. IAA. Granada, mayo de 2019.
- Love for Science or ‘Academic Prostitution’?. ICRAR Perth. Perth, febrero de 2019.
- SKA Status and Spanish participation. Observatorio de Yebes. Yebes, junio de 2018.
- Transformational Science with the Big Data Machine of the XXI Century. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, enero de 2019.
- The SKA-Link Project. University of Edinburgh. Edimburgo, diciembre de 2017.
- Reproducible Science. SKA-Link Kick-off Workshop, IAA. Granada, abril de 2017.
- Overview of the SKA-Link project and aims of this meeting. SKA-Link Kick-off Workshop, IAA. Granada, abril de 2017.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. ICE (IEEC-CSIC). Barcelona, marzo de 2017.
- The SKA Project: Opportunities for Spain. Presentation to the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology of CSIC. Madrid, June 2016.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC). Madrid, 2016.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Tenerife, enero de 2016.
- Love for Science or ‘Academic Prostitution’. IAA. Granada, junio de 2013.
- The Spanish participation in the SKA. Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC). Madrid, abril de 2013.
- Love for Science or ‘Academic Prostitution’. ERC Scientific Seminar. Bruselas, abril de 2013.
- VIA-SKA and Spanish participation in the SKA: status, milestones, and the road ahead. SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry. Madrid, 2012.