Dpto. Astronomía Extragaláctica
Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18008 Granada
Spain - Projects
- Papers
I got a B.Sc. in Physics in 1993 from the University of Granada, and a M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering in 2002 from the same University. I read my Master Thesis on Multimedia Technologies applied to Radio-Astronomy data in the context of the International Virtual Observatory on September 2006. I finally completed my Ph.D. Thesis on the same subject in May 19th, 2009, while working as a Software Engineer for the AMIGA group.
In June 2009, I started as Applied Scientist within the Archive Management Team of the Data Management and Operations Division of the European Southern Observatory, where I took care of the metadata for the ESO archive, and in particular of Virtual Observatory endpoints. In March 2011 I was assigned to the Software Development Division, where I worked initially in the backend, and later also in the frontend, of the ALMA Science Archive. I designed and implemented the systems to extract data from the ALMA Science Data Model XML into the ALMA Science Archive database, and implemented the user interface using Java, Spring MVC, and jQuery, taking advantage of existing Virtual Observatory tools, such as the openCADC, or the VOView.
I have returned to the AMIGA group to collaborate in the software aspects of the current AMIGA4GAS project, and also to collaborate with Wf4Ever, a project to define scientific workflows in order to properly encode our teams’ scientific methodology.
During my Ph.D. thesis, I developed the RADAMS (Radio Astronomy DAta Model for Single-dish telescopes), a Virtual Observatory compliant data model that enhances existing data models, providing more detail, and more metadata. I’m also working on incorporating VO capabilities in a modular way into existing data reduction and analysis tools, via what I call the MOVOIR “MOdular Virtual Observatory InteRface” for astronomical data in the VO.
I’ve been working as a software engineer since 1999 in privately held companies (IMPURSA, S.A., Trevenque Sistemas de Información, S.L., Control in Situ, S.L.), and I’ve worked as a software consultant and development manager since 2003. I began my pursuit of a Ph.D. Thesis in 2005, when I first entered the AMIGA group.
You can find a more detail on my research activity, specially including publications, conferences and seminars I have attended to following the links on the left panel.