
Dpto. Astronomía Extragaláctica
Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18008 Granada
Spain - Projects
- Papers
Research activity.
Publications, papers, and other research activities (updated on January 5th, 2009)
Refereed Articles
- L. Verdes-Montenegro, J.D. Santander-Vela, “The Andalusian e-Science Initiative (e-CA). An application to Astrophysics”, accepted for publication in the refereed proceedings of ADVCOMP 2008. (TOC PDF)
- U. Lisenfeld, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Sulentic, S. Leon, D. Espada, G. Bergond, E. García, J. Sabater, J. Santander-Vela, and S. Verley, “The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies III: IRAS data and infrared diagnostics” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. (links: ADS entry, arXiv pre-print, arXiv abstract)
Non-refereed Articles
- J.D. Santander-Vela, “The Virtual Observatory and Grid in Spain” in Proceedings of the EuroVO-DCA Workshop on Grid and the VO held in Garching bei München, April 9-11, 2008. To be published at the Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana. (links: ADS entry, arXiv pre-print, arXiv abstract)
- J.D. Santander-Vela, E. García et al., “Radio Astronomy Data Model for Single-Dish Multiple-Feed Instruments, and Robledo Archive Architecture”, IVOA Note for the IVOA Data Modelling Efforts, January 2007.
- J.D. Santander-Vela, “El Observatorio Virtual” Información y Actualidad Astronómica, November 2006 (in Spanish). (links: article,
- J.D. Santander-Vela, “Data Models in the VO and the RADAMS”, November 9 2006, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain.
Conferences & Workshops
Contributed Talks
- J.D. Santander-Vela, Talk: “VO Data Models for Radio Astronomy”, at the Multi-wavelength Astronomy and Virtual Observatory Workshop, December 1-3 2008. (links: meeting, talk)
- J.D. Santander-Vela, Talk: “Data Provenance in the Virtual Observatory”, at the Data Modelling Sessions of the IVOA Interoperability Meeting, Baltimore (MD), USA, October 27-November 1 2008. (links: meeting, talk)
- L. Verdes-Montenegro, J.D. Santander-Vela, “The Andalusian e-Science Initiative (e-CA). An application to Astrophysics”, at ADVCOMP08, Valencia, Spain, September 29-October 4. (links: meeting, talk, proceeding)
- J.D. Santander-Vela, “The Virtual Observatory and Grid in Spain”, at the EuroVO-DCA Workshop on Grid and the VO held in Garching bei München, April 9-11 2008. (links: proceeding pre-print)
- J.D. Santander-Vela, E. García, Review Talk: “IAA-coordinated grid activities and VO”, Kick-Off meeting of the EuroVO-DCA Work Package 5, November 2006, Trieste, Italy.
- J.D. Santander-Vela, Invited talk: “What’s a VO Data Model? RADAMS: A data model for radio observations”, First Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) School, November 2006.
- J.D. Santander-Vela, E. García et al., “Radio Astronomy Data Model for Single-Dish Multiple-Feed Telescopes, and Robledo Archive Architecture” in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV, Proceedings of the seventh Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) held in Barcelona, Spain, September 12-15, 2006. Springer Dordrecht (F. Figueras, J. M. Girart, M. Hernanz, and C. Jordi, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany, 2007. (links:
- E. García, J.D. Santander-Vela, Invited Talk: “Activities of the AMIGA-IAA Group within the VO”, First SVO Meeting, May 2006.
- U. Lisenfeld, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Sulentic, S. Leon, D. Espada, G. Bergond, E. García , J. Sabater, J. D. Santander-Vela, and S. Verley, “The Far-Infrared Properties of the Most Isolated Galaxies,” in IAU Symposium (F. Combes and J. Palous, eds.), vol. 235 of IAU Symposium, pp. 219-219, 2007.
- S. Leon, V. Espigares, J.E. Ruiz, W. Brunswig, R. Mauersberger, R. Montalban, J.D. Santander-Vela, and L. Verdes-Montenegro, “IRAM-30m y el Observatorio Virtual” in Andalusian e-Science Project kick-off meeting, (Proyecto e-CA, e-Ciencia Andaluza), June 2007.
- Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, November 6-10 2011, Paris, France
- IVOA InterOp, November 9-12 2009, Garching bei München, Germany
- Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX, October 4-8 2009, Sapporo, Japan
- Multi-wavelength Astronomy and the Virtual Observatory, December 1-3 2008, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain
- IVOA InterOp, October 27-31 2008, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Second meeting of Andalusian e-Science, October 16-17 2008, Granada, Spain
- IVOA InterOp, May 19-23 2008, Trieste, Italy
- EuroVO-DCA Workshop on Grid and the VO, April 9-11 2008, Garching bei München, Germany
- IVOA InterOp, September 27-28 2007, Cambridge, UK
- First meeting of Andalusian e-Science, June 19-20 2007, Granada, Spain
- Second Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) School on Data Mining, February 2007, UNED, Madrid, Spain
- First Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) School, November 2006, LAEFF-SVO, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain
- ESAC Grid Workshop, October 5-6, ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain
- VII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía, September 12-15 2006, Barcelona, Spain
- EuroVO Workshop on VO Standards and Systems for Data Centres and Large Projects, July 27-August 1 2005, Garching bei München, Germany
- Spanish e-Science Meeting of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), July 6-8 2005, Palacio de Congresos, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Committee work
- Invited to the EuroVO-AIDA Working Group 5 Task Group 7: Radio Data Cubes, in October 2008.
- Member of the IVOA Data Modelling Working Group. (links: website)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Euro-VO DCA Workshop on Grid and the VO, from December 2007 to April 2008. (links: website, agenda, committees)
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee for the kick-off meeting of the Andalusian e-Science Project, in September 2007. (links:
poster, website)
- SVO Representative at the Euro-VO DCA Working Group 5: VO and Grid, from November 2006 to December 2008.
Master Theses
- “Implementación y Estudio de un Compresor y Descompresor de Imágenes mediante Transformada Wavelet”, for the Master on Electronics Engineering Degree, February 2002; directed by V. Sánchez.
- “Bases de Datos Multimedia para Radioastronomía: RADAMS y DSS-63” for the Master on Multimedia Technologies Degree, September 2006; directed by J.F. Gómez, L. Verdes-Montenegro, and J.M. López Soler. (link:
master thesis)