TANGO I: ISM in nearby radio galaxies. Molecular gas.

B. Ocana Flaquer, S. Leon, J. Lim, and F. Combes
2010 A&A 518, 9

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Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A. II. On the Nature of the Broad Absorption Line.

D. Espada et al.
2010 ApJ 720, 666

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Properties of compact 250 μm emission and H II regions in M 33 (HERM33ES)

S. Verley et al.
2010 A&A, 518, 68

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Dust Emission and Star Formation in Stephan’s Quintet

G. Natale, R. J. Tuffs, C. K. Xu, C. C. Popescu, J. Fischera, U. Lisenfeld, N. Lu, P. Appleton, M. Dopita, P. -A. Duc, and 4 coauthors
2010 ApJ 725, 955

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Probing evolutionary mechanisms in galaxy clusters: neutral atomic hydrogen in Abell1367

T. C. Scott, H. Bravo-Alfaro, E. Brinks, C.A. Caretta, L. Cortese, A. Boselli, M.J. Hardcastle, J.H. Croston, and I. Plauchu.
2010, MNRAS 403, 1175

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Quantifying the importance of ram-pressure stripping in a galaxy group at 100 Mpc

E. Freeland, C. Sengupta, and J.H. Croston.
2010 MNRAS 409, 1518

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Star formation in M 33: the radial and local relations with the gas.

S. Verley, E. Corbelli, C. Giovanardi, and L. K. Hunt.
2010 A&A, 518, 64

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The curious case of J113924.74+164144.0: a possible new group of galaxies at z = 0.069

N. Roy, C. Sengupta, and N. G. Kantharia.
2010 MNRAS 407, L64-L68

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A search for neighbours around isolated galaxies using the SDSS

María del Carmen Argudo Fernández

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía – CSIC Universidad de Granada

2010 December 16

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Imaging Carbon Monoxide Emission in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 6000.

S. Martin, M. R. George, D. J. Wilner, and D. Espada
2010 AJ 139, 2241-2248

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