The evolution of HCG 31: Optical and high-resolution HI study.

L. Verdes-Montenegro , A. Del Olmo, M. S. Yun, and J. Perea
2005 A&A 430, 443

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Galaxias activas en una muestra completa de galaxias aisladas

José Sabater Montes

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía – CSIC
Universidad de Granada

2005 September 09

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Environmental quantification and Hα characterisation of the most isolated galaxies in the local Universe

Simon Verley

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía – CSIC
Dynamique des Systèmes Gravitationnels – LERMA – Observatoire de Paris Universidad de Granada

2005 December 20

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The large asymmetric HI envelope of the isolated galaxy NGC 864 (CIG 96).

D. Espada, A. Bosma, L. Verdes-Montenegro, E. Athanassoula, S. Leon, J. W. Sulentic, and M. S. Yun.
2005 A&A 442, 455-459

 » Read more about: The large asymmetric HI envelope of the isolated galaxy NGC 864 (CIG 96).  »

The AMIGA project I. Optical characterization of the CIG catalog.

L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. W. Sulentic, U. Lisenfeld, S. Leon, D. Espada, E. Garcia, J. Sabater, and S. Verley.
2005 A&A 436,443

ASCII tables

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