Time and Measurement Workshop

SOC and LOC.
6-8 June 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain.

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Plenary Session about the SKA at the Spanish Astronomical Society biannual meeting

18-22 July 2016. Bilbao, Spain.

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SKA-Link kick-off meeting

3-4 April 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain.

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Spanish SKA Industry day

23-25 Feb 2016. Madrid, Almería, Granada

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RIA Conference

Spanish SKA day
23 Nov 2014. IAA-CSIC. Granada.

This meeting gathered all Spanish enterprises, scientific institutes and technological centers that work or are willing to work in the SKA project. The objective was to present a scientific and technical view of the SKA project, focused on the Spanish participation.

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Workshop SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry

30 Nov 2012. Madrid, CSIC

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Co-organizers of IAU General Assembly Special Session 3: Galaxy evolution through secular processes

20-24 Aug 2012. Beijing, China

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The Power Challenges of Mega-Science Infrastructures: the example of SKA

20-21 June 2012. Moura (Portugal), Sanlúcar la Mayor, Spain.

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RIA Conference

Science and technical opportunities in the SKA era
CSIC, Madrid
9-10 May 2011

In this RIA (Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía) meeting, it was planned to cover all aspects on SKA as well as its impact in astronomy: organization, design, techniques, key science projects, SKA pathfinders (ASKAP, MeerKAT, LOFAR), synergies with other instruments in the SKA era, etc, while bringing together scientist with first-hand knowledge in every area of the SKA.

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III Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza

Granada, IAA – CSIC
Jan. 19-20, 2010

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