Title: Are (pseudo)bulges in isolated galaxies actually primordial relics? Authors: Fernandez Lorenzo M., Sulentic J., Verdes-Montenegro L., Blasco-Herrera J., Argudo-Fernandez M., Garrido J., Ramirez-Moreta P., Ruiz J.E., Sanchez-Exposito S., Santander-Vela J.D. Table: Derived data for the AMIGA-SDSS sample ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: datafile1.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG catalog number (1) 6- 6 I1 --- MType RC3 morphological type (2) 8- 21 A14 --- Bulge Type of bulge according to Fig. 1 23- 27 I5 km/s HRV Heliocentric Radial Velocity (2) 29- 33 F5.1 Mpc Dis70 Distance for H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc (2) 35- 39 F5.2 --- Qkar Tidal strength (3) 41- 47 F7.3 mag iMag Total absolute magnitude in i-band 49- 53 F5.3 --- BT Bulge-to-total luminosity ratio 55- 59 F5.2 mag imag-d GALFIT disk magnitude in i-band 61- 64 F4.2 mag e_imag-d Error in imag-d 66- 70 F5.2 arcsec hR Disk scalelength along semimajor axis 72- 75 F4.2 arcsec e_hR Error in hR 77- 80 F4.2 --- ba-d Disk semiaxes ratio 82- 85 F4.2 --- e_ba-d Error in ba-d 87- 91 F5.2 mag imag-bu GALFIT bulge magnitude in i-band 93- 96 F4.2 mag e_imag-bu Error in imag-bu 98-102 F5.2 arcsec ae-bu Bulge effective radius along semimajor axis 104-107 F4.2 arcsec e_ae-bu Error in ae-bu 109-112 F4.2 --- nbu Bulge Sersic index 114-117 F4.2 --- e_nbu Error in n_bu 119-122 F4.2 --- ba-bu Bulge semiaxes ratio 124-127 F4.2 --- e_ba-bu Error in ba-bu 129-133 F5.2 mag imag-ba ? GALFIT bar magnitude in i-band 135-138 F4.2 mag e_imag-ba ? Error in imag-ba 140-144 F5.2 arcsec ae-ba ? Bar effective radius along semimajor axis 146-149 F4.2 arcsec e_ae-ba ? Error in ae-ba 151-154 F4.2 --- nba ? Bar Sersic index 156-159 F4.2 --- e_nba ? Error in nba 161-164 F4.2 --- ba-ba ? Bar semiaxes ratio 166-169 F4.2 --- e_ba-ba ? Error in ba-ba 171-176 F6.3 mag/arcsec2 mue Bulge average surface brightness within the effective radius 178-182 F5.3 mag/arcsec2 e_mue Error estimate in mue 184-188 F5.3 kpc Re70 Circularized bulge effective radius for H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc 190-194 F5.3 kpc e_Re70 Error estimate in Re70 196-200 F5.2 mag gmag-d ? GALFIT disk magnitude in g-band 202-205 F4.2 mag e_gmag-d ? Error in gmag-d 207-211 F5.3 mag Ag Galactic extinction in g-band 213-217 F5.3 mag Ai Galactic extinction in i-band 219-224 F6.3 mag Kcorg K-correction in g-band derived from global photometry 226-231 F6.3 mag Kcori K-correction in i-band derived from global photometry 233-237 F5.3 mag a(g-i) Internal extinction correction in (g-i) color 239-242 F4.2 mag (g-i)-d ? Corrected disk (g-i) color 244-249 F6.3 arcsec el-a Major axis of bulge eliptical aperture 251-256 F6.3 mag gmag-a Bulge aperture magnitude in g-band 258-262 F5.3 mag e_gmag-a Error in gmag-a 264-269 F6.3 mag imag-a Bulge aperture magnitude in i-band 271-275 F5.3 mag e_imag-a Error in imag-a 277-282 F6.3 mag Kcor-a-g g-band K-correction derived from bulge aperture photometry 284-289 F6.3 mag Kcor-a-i i-band K-correction derived from bulge aperture photometry 291-295 F5.3 mag (g-i)-bu Corrected bulge (g-i) color -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Vizier catalog VII/82. Listed as NNNN in Simbad. Note (2): From Fernandez Lorenzo et al. (2012), A&A, 540, 47 Note (3): From Argudo-Fernandez et al. (2013), A&A, 560, 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------